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Installing the NodeChef CLI
You must have Node.js installed on your computer to proceed with installing the NodeChef CLI.
Install the CLI by running the below command in your command prompt or terminal:
npm install -g nodechef-cli
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NodeChef Manual
NodeJs & Meteor Hosting
Hosting with Buildpacks
Docker Hosting
Private Cloud
Parse Server Hosting
Configure Push
Configure Authentication
Configure External Files Storage (S3, GCS)
Configure Emails
Migrating Data from
Migrating your database to Nodechef mongoDB without any downtime
Automatic indexing for your MongoDB database
Import CSV into your Parse Server database
Import JSON into your Parse Server database
Parse Dashboard
Installing the NodeChef CLI
Cloud Code Hosting
Working with Express
Working with NPM Modules
Parse Server Background Jobs
Parse server configuration options
Configure Parse Server live query
Setting up your local Parse Server example
Deploying static assets
Setting up custom domains
Setting up Let's Encrypt SSL certificates
Uploading custom SSL certificates
Database Backups & Exports
Deploy a MongoDB Replica Set
Object storage
MongoDB Hosting
Redis Hosting
MySQL Hosting
PostgreSQL Hosting
ETL Guide