NodeChef Private cloud - Managed hosting on your choice of cloud provider

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In addition to the NodeChef bare metal public cloud environmient which has been our staple since we launched. We also support the ability to host your applications and databases on servers from any cloud provider. NodeChef fully manages these servers. You can add your cloud account on the NodeChef dashboard and provision servers and deploy applications to them without even interacting with your cloud providers account. NodeChef integrates with your cloud provider for a seamless experience. The NodeChef platform remains the same, the only difference been, instead of deploying to servers owned by NodeChef, you now deploy to servers owned by you.

You can also use servers from any provider that NodeChef has not built integrations for. For example if you want to run on bare metal servers from less known providers, you can simply add the server to your NodeChef account by providing the public Ip address and authenticating details for the server.

Some of the advantages of using private cloud instead of the NodeChef bare metal environment is listed below.

  • Host unlimited amount of applications and databases on your servers. No per app billing.

  • Ability to run applications in regions NodeChef does not support.

  • If hosting say only databases, or applications only, private cloud allows you to bring your NodeChef hosted database and applications closer to your other deployments outside of NodeChef.

  • Infinite scalability leveraging the infrastructure strength of well established cloud providers like AWS et al.

  • All NodeChef platform features for applications and databases are also supported in the private cloud environment.