Configure Emails

Use the Emails section to configure sender information to use when the parse server sends email verification and password reset emails.

From the NodeChef dashboard, find your app listed under the task manager, click the app actions dropdown menu and select the Emails option. Complete the form and click save changes to update your configuration. To unregister this configuration, simply unset all the form fields and click save changes again.

You can use your email configuration settings in cloud code to send other emails by referencing the environment variables:

You can retrieve environment variables in cloud code using the global object process.env as in "var email_from = process.env.EMAIL_FROM".

Configure Emails Parse Server - NodeChef

Email verification and password reset email template

You can modify the default email that is sent out when a password reset or email verification event is triggered on the server. From the task manager find your app listed, click app actions and then emails. Scroll down in the popup to modify the default templates. You can specify an html template in the email body, if you set the Body Html field to yes.

Configure Emails Parse Server - NodeChef