When the NodeChef runtime detects either one of these file types ("pom.xml", "pom.atom", "pom.clj", "pom.groovy", "pom.rb", "pom.scala", "pom.yaml", "pom.yml") in your project directory, it uses the open source Heroku Java buildpack to build your application. More details on this buildpack can be found here: https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-java
When the NodeChef runtime detects either one of these file types (gradlew, build.gradle, settings.gradle) in your project directory it uses the open source Heroku gradule buildpack. More details on this buildpack can be found here: https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-gradle
When the NodeChef runtime detects a project/build.properties file in your project directory and either a file ending with .sbt or .scala, it uses the open source Heroku scala buildpack. More details on this buildpack can be found here: https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-scala
You can build your application locally and simply deploy the .jar, .war, .zip file to NodeChef. In this case, NodeChef uses the CloudFoundry buildpack to create the application executable. More details on the CloudFoundry Java, JVM buildpack can be found here: http://docs.cloudfoundry.org/buildpacks/java/index.html
The Java Buildpack can run Groovy applications written with the Ratpack framework and from raw .groovy files (no pre-compilation).
The Java Buildpack can run Java applications with a main() method provided that they are packaged as self-executable JARs
NodeChef automatically detects your project as Ruby, Rails when the Gemfile and Gemfile.lock is found in the root directory of the project.
Your first build runs slower than subsequent builds as NodeChef caches dependencies between builds.
For MRI, specify the version of Ruby in your Gemfile as follows:
For JRuby, specify the version of Ruby in your Gemfile based on the version of JRuby your app uses.
For 1.9 mode, use the following:
For 2.0 mode, use the following:
For JRuby version >= 9.0, mode, use the following:
If you try to use a binary that is not supported, staging your app fails with the following error message:
The Ruby buildpack does not support the pessimistic version operator ~> on the Gemfile ruby directive for JRuby.
NodeChef automatically detects your project as Python if you do not explicitly specify if one of the below conditions is met.
You can specify the version of python to use by including it in the runtime.txt file in the root folder of your project. See example below:
NodeChef always uses the latest version of the Python buildpack.
To request the latest Python version in a patch line, replace the patch version with x: 3.6.x To request the latest version in a minor line, replace the minor version: 3.x
For python projects, specifying a start command is required. You can specify a start command in the root folder of your project by creating a file with name: Procfile.
An example python project with a Procfile See image below:
Example Procfile starting your app with a simple python script:
Example Procfile starting your app with gunicorn:
Another example starting a Django app:
Example Procfile starting running your web app on Waitress:
NodeChef automatically sets the environment varabile PORT at runtime. You must listen for connections using the value of this variable. See below example:
NodeChef automatically detects your project as Golang if you do not explicitly specify if one of the below conditions is met.
Because Golang apps compile to a single file native binary, by default your project will be started with the build output as the command. You can override this behaviour by using a Procfile created in the root directory of your project. See example Procfile:
A common project pattern is to place main packages in a subdirectory called cmd like in the example below:
In this case, you must set the environment variable GO_INSTALL_PACKAGE_SPEC. For example, if the module name for the project is github.com/superd/app-package-name, the value of the environment variable will be github.com/superd/app-package-name/cmd/server.
NodeChef automatically detects your project as .NET Core when the *.csproj or *.fsproj is found in the root directory of the project. Also you can deploy the output directory of the dotnet publish command
For Asp.NET Core apps, there is no need to hardcode the URL in the app, NodeChef automatically starts your app with the option --server.urls$PORT. The value of port is dynamic at runtime and NodeChef supplies this value. We also set the environment variable ASPNETCORE_URLS which is the same value that is passed to the --server.urls parameter.
Your first build runs slower than subsequent builds as NodeChef caches dependencies between builds.
Below is an example main method
If your app requires external shared libraries that are not provided by the rootfs or the buildpack, you must place the libraries in an ld_library_path directory at the project root.
If your solution contains multiple projects, you must specify which of your projects is the main one. You can do so by creating a .deployment file in the root directory. You can then use the below example to specify the path to the .csproj or .fsproj of the main project.
Ensure Node.js is installed on your computer and then install the CLI by running the below command:
Log in and navigate to the Dashboard. Click on deployments and complete the form. You will be required to select the size of your container and the region where your cluster is to be hosted.
If you will like to launch your app with custom environment variables follow the below steps.
Once you log in, you will remain logged in on your computer forever until you log out.
You can create a deployment token from the dashboard. Click on App actions → Deployment token. Click the generate token button.
** IMPORTANT ** - For accounts that signed up with a third party log in provider such as GitHub, Bitbucket etc. you will have to use a deployment token to deploy or create a password from the dashboard..
From the command prompt run the below command(s) to deploy your application
On NodeChef, the root folder of your app in the executing container, that is the $HOME directory is always "/bundle". Please take note of this if you are migrating from another platform and you have hard coded the root directory.
On NodeChef, you may use a Procfile to specify a start command for your App. An example Procfile is shown below. You must create a Procfile in the root folder of your application. If a Procfile is not included, the platform uses the default start command provided by the buildpack to start the application.
NodeChef can also detect your manifest.yml typically used for cloud foundry deployments. The command property under application will be auto detected by the platform if present and will use it as the start command.